
the digital workshop of Matt Ferris

‹ Requirements


Via gzipped tarball

Grab the source from GitHub using wget and extract the archive.

# wget http://github.com/mattferris/aims/archive/2.1.tar.gz
# tar xzf 2.1.tar.gz

Setup the directories on your system and copy the files appropriately.

# mkdir -p /etc/aims /usr/share/aims
# mv aims-2.1/docs /usr/share/aims/
# mv aims-2.1/lib/* /usr/lib/perl5/
# mv man/man5/* /usr/share/man/man5/
# mv man/man8/* /usr/share/man/man8/
# mv bin/* /usr/sbin/

Via git

Clone the repository from GitHub.

# git clone http://github.com/mattferris/aims.git aims-2.1

You now have the option of manually creating and copying directories as per above, or you can build a .deb package and install that instead. Use the included Makefile to build the package.

# make RELEASE=2.1
# dpkg -i aims2_2.1_all.deb

It's possible to build other releases using the Makefile. For example, you could build a nightly snapshot by selecting the develop branch.

# make BRANCH=develop RELEASE=2.1

BRANCH=develop passes the develop branch to git-archive which in turn produces an archive from the latest commit to develop. RELEASE=2.1 controls the version of the package. dpkg-deb requires a verion number to start with a number, but can also contain other characters.

You could automate the building of nightly snapshots by appending the date to the release version.

git clone http://github.com/mattferris/aims.git aims-2.1
    cd aims-2.1 &&
    make BRANCH=develop RELEASE=2.1-nightly-`date +%Y%m$d`

This would produce a package called aims2_2.1-nightly-20130913_all.deb.

Via apt

# echo "deb http://pkg.bueller.ca/debian stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
# apt-get update
# apt-get install aims2

‹ Requirements
